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Incubating a Specific Magical Dream

When you have had some success with incubating (creating or growing) the type of dream that you want using the CARDS method shown on previous posts, you can then progress to developing a specifically magical dream. Do be patient with yourself, because you may not at first, find that you have created the exact environment or content you want. Gradually, however, you will find you are ‘hitting target’ more and more often.

Practice this technique at times when you know you will be able to make use of the information, record it or carry out research to resolve any doubts that may need further explanation.

1. Prepare the focus of your dream
This might be to understand a particular ritual, discover the correct incense or herb to use for best results or even to develop a new spell.

Before you go to bed, take the time to narrow your thoughts down to a single idea or query which states clearly the subject of your concern.

Do remember that although you are focusing on this single idea, you are also seeking the widest – or perhaps most important – information you can access, so this may manifest in more than one dream.

Write your idea or query down and use a visual image, such as a picture or appropriate symbol, to fix the idea in your mind. Memorize the idea or query and visual image. Try to incorporate a trigger word, sound, or symbol which alerts you to a deeper state of awareness.

Remind yourself that when you dream of that particular trigger you will know that you are dreaming. Repeat to yourself at least three times ‘When I dream of [whatever you have decided], I will remember that I am dreaming.’

2. Go to bed
It is important not to let anything else intrude on your concentration. So, without further ado, go to bed and make yourself comfortable.

3. Keep the phrase or image in your
Concentrate on your phrase and image and deepen your awareness. Imagine yourself already dreaming about your query. As you become more proficient at controlling your dreams, if there is something you want to experiment with in the dream, such as flying, concentrate on the idea of being in full control.

4. Meditate on the phrase
Keep your objective in focus until you fall asleep. If at all possible, don’t let any other thoughts come between thinking about your issue and falling asleep. If your thoughts wander, just revert to thinking about your phrase and its magical significance.

5. Follow your focus
When you have begun dreaming, try to be extra - aware of matters about the issue at hand.

Do not try to take control of your dream, since you are allowing your unconscious self – that part that is in contact with all magical and other knowledge – to ‘speak’ to you through the dream. Accept that symbols and information will appear which can be sorted out afterward and allow the dream to reach its fulfillment.

Note your impressions and be aware of as much of the content of the dream as you can.

6. Keep the dream active and sustain it if you can
Remember that magical information has a language all of its own and often needs interpreting in more than one way. While you do not need to take control of the dream, you do need to trust your intuition to be aware of how much information it can assimilate. For this reason, you should learn that it is possible to go back into a dream to highlight issues that have not been fully understood.

7. Returning to the everyday
As you wake up, try to remain for a time in the hypnopompic (half-awake) state and learn to check whether you feel you have received adequate information to proceed.

Finally, rouse yourself to full consciousness, and be ready to record everything that you have learned.

8. Record the dream
Record the dream as shown previously, deciding exactly how it has answered your question or intent.

Working Creatively With Dreams

When you have been recording your dreams for some time you may find it useful to turn one of them into a creative project. This could be a painting, sculpture, or another artistic process; it
could also be a short story perhaps taking the dream further forward, a play, or even using nature creatively – it needs to be something that takes one beyond normal activities.

Look particularly for magical and fantasy
aspects, for you, are trying to access the world of magic in a slightly different way from that of ordinary spell-making and ritual. 

By acknowledging the creative processes in dreams and making them tangible within the normal sphere of reality, you are opening yourself up to all sorts of possibilities and changes of consciousness. In the Dream Spells
and Techniques section overleaf there are
suggestions for setting up such creative projects.

One of the benefits of deliberately dreaming creatively is a different perception of events in the world around you. Colors may appear more vibrant, shapes sharper, and sounds clearer. These changes can be quite subtle, but usually bring more focus to your awareness and
allow you to use creativity to its best advantage in small things as well as more important ones.

Life begins to take on new meaning.

Dream symbols, because they are archetypal and tap into a wider consciousness than your own, give fertile ground for meditation which can allow unconscious insights to come
to the surface, giving rise to even greater
creativity. You may wish to meditate on the overall feeling or one particular aspect of the dream. When you find yourself dreaming about your chosen project you have come almost full circle – from an acorn to an oak tree and back to an acorn – a situation akin to rebirth. 

It does not matter whether the project is good or bad; what is important is the enjoyment that you achieve from doing it. One of the most fulfilling aspects of such a process is the realization that you have entered a stream of consciousness that belongs to all of us, but which so few manage to tap into. This ‘locking on’ can give a strong physical sensation as much as an emotional or spiritual one. The
counter-balance to this is the number of times that you will get stuck or come up against a brick wall in this part of the process, but perseverance does bring about a greater understanding of your inner more magical self.

For self-development you may like to keep a separate journal or record of the processes and stages of awareness
experienced during this strenuous activity – it is worthwhile spending a short while each day working on your project, and a journal allows you to see how far you have traveled in this journey of discovery. It can be fascinating to see, for instance, in looking back over your daybook how you have found it easier as time goes on to recognize when the fears and doubts
arise, and how you have dealt with them.

It may be that your creative journal takes
precedence over the dream one or vice versa. With time you may recognize that
your dreams change when you are in a more overtly creative phase. You may be able to unblock a creative block by asking your dreams for an answer or by using the in-between states.

You will gradually find that you will be able to intertwine the various states of awareness when necessary without losing the reality of each one.

This is the true use of dream creativity and is truly living magically.

Asking for the Dreams you Want

This works perhaps most effectively for those who have already learned how to recall and record their dreams as shown below. These methods have already established the lines of communication, but it also works well for those who have learned to meditate, or those who use other kinds of self-management tools such as creative visualization or chanting. The the technique is a very easy one, particularly if you have learned through work or other experience to remain focused on the issues at hand. 

✤ Use as a memory jogger the word ‘CARDS’, which stands for the following points:

• Clarify the issue
• Ask the question
• Repeat it
• Dream and document it
• Study the dream

‘C’ means that you spend some time 
clarifying exactly what the issue is. When
you identify the basic aspects of what seems to be blocking your progress or where you are stuck, you can gain some insight into your mental processes. You have thus prepared the groundwork. 

Try to state the issue as positively as you can; for example ‘Promotion passes me by’ rather than ‘I am not getting promoted’. The subconscious tends to latch on to negative statements rather than positive ones, so if you state the problem negatively you are allowing negative energy to gain a foothold. Don’t try to
resolve the situation at that point.

‘A’ suggests that you ask the appropriate
question using an old journalistic technique:

‘Who? What? Where? When? Why?’ Then sort out in your mind exactly what the relevant question is. For instance, in our example, you might ask:

Who can best help in my search for promotion?

What must I do to be in line for promotion?

Where do the best opportunities lie for me?

When will I be able to use my greater experience?

Why is my expertise not being recognized?

You can see that all these questions are open questions, and are not necessarily tied to any time frame. They do allow you to decide where your knowledge of magical influence or spell-making is best applied. If you ask a confused question you may well get a confusing answer,
so try to get as close to the heart of the matter as you can. Conversely, by asking inappropriate questions you may notch up answers you do not wish to have.

Repeat the question. Just as restating an
incantation builds up power, by repeating the question over and over you are fixing it in the subconscious. Blocks of three repetitions often work very well, so repeating three sets of three
(nine times in all) means that it should have reached deep into your unconscious.

As you compose yourself for sleep and use your relaxation techniques, tell yourself that you will have a dream that will give you an answer to your question or problem. Dream command means informing your inner self that you will
have a dream that will help. If you wish, as you repeat the question tap lightly on your third eye in the center of your forehead.

One word of warning. The dreaming self is
quite wayward, so to begin with you may not receive an answer on the night you request it.

You may only receive part of an answer or
nothing for several nights, and then a series of dreams that tell you what you need to know. It is a highly individual process, and no one can tell you how it should be. With time you will recognize your pattern, but be prepared to be patient with yourself.

Dream it. When you do dream, document it
briefly, as soon as you can, noting down the the main theme, and anything else you consider might help you in your magical practice. 

Study the dream in more detail when you have time enough to do so. Look carefully at the the imagery within the dream, which will probably be fairly clear-cut and straightforward. Look for details, clues, and hidden meanings to see whether
you can apply any of them to situations in your normal life, and use your knowledge of symbolism to help you decide whether
developing a spell or ritual will make your life more fulfilling or easier to handle. Sometimes the suggestion for a new way of acting or the answer to a question can come from applying the information to a different part of your life, before you even get down to tackling the question you have asked.

As you become more proficient at dealing with the information that becomes available to you, you may find the nature of your questions changes and becomes much more proactive.

For instance, you may find yourself asking,
‘How can I make so and so happen?’ or ‘What if I did . . ?’ This is true creativity and gives you the opportunity to practice your spell making and your magic in several different ways.

It is the exciting process of the appearance of the magical ‘you’ appearing in your external life.

Illuminati’: Fans question ‘evil eye’ at AKA memorial [watch]


Are conspiracy theorists at it again? Social media users spotted a symbol of the ‘Illuminati’ at the memorial service of rapper AKA, on Friday…

AKA – real name Kiernan Forbes’s memorial service – was a star-studded and jam-packed event held at Sandton Convention Centre on Friday, 17 February. But as we’ve seen since the South African rapper’s death last week – social media users continue to bring up wild conspiracy theories, like the involvement of the “Illuminati.”

According to Twitter users, imagery associated with the alleged secret society was shown on a big screen during the service, startling many of his music fans. 


During a stage performance showing off his vast catalog of music, an image flashed on the screen – a picture of an eye.

The image  – seen during a clip posted by fellow female rapper Gigi Lamayne in a TikTok video – was then shared on Twitter, which garnered mixed responses. 

One tweep asked: “What was the point of this during AKA’s memorial?”

What was the point of this during #AKAMemorial?#RIPAKA Da Les Sim Dope Yanga #DonDesign Moozlie

— uBLOSÉ NDELU (@BLOSE_ZN) February 17, 2023

Some tweeps expressed their beliefs that the Illuminati was real and that the rapper was possibly involved.

@SammySib: “All I know is it definitely means something, and they put it there intentionally and for a reason. One wouldn’t just wake up and decide to put an easy symbol up. We’re living in dark times….”

@sthandwa_w: “It’s all over his album cover, too… with the skull and bones. Just an observation!”

@thulanimofoken3: “AKA was Illuminati and they openly showed it at the memorial service”


Others rubbished the theory of something ominous.

@Twin_Segowa: “We read too much into unnecessary stuff.”

@LuckyBrie83: “It’s the ‘All Seeing Eye,’ for heavens’ sake. Not everything is a conspiracy. It’s symbolic, for God’s sake”.


It’s not the first time tweeps have mentioned the Illuminati this week. After his death, the underworld group trended on Twitter as well…

Official CCTV Footage Video For AKA's Death#akaworldwide #Aka #Aneletembe #megacy #Masscountry #illuminati #bloodsacrifice

— Loverboy (@ChesterLoverboy) February 11, 2023


Meanwhile,  the former rapper turned pastor Kabelo Mabalane shared a touching tribute as AKA’s “spiritual father and mentor.”

In it, he spoke about AKA’s Christian faith and the muso’s latest prayer request, the hope that his next album Mass Country – set for release next week – would be a “success.”

He added: “Watching him grow in the last year was one of my greatest pleasures, and hearing his mom, Lynn, say Kiernan in recent times was the son she knew and the son she raised, this was proof that we don’t need to get proof, to get God.”

Musician and pastor, Kabelo Mabalane, says AKA's prayer request before his untimely passing, was that his upcoming album, #MassCountry, becomes a success. While speaking at the rapper's memorial service, Mabalane says AKA died a saved man. 

What Is Sexual Transmutation? How To Transmute Sexual Energy

Many believe sexual energy is akin to creative energy, and that it can be harnessed—and transformed—to help us in other areas of our life, such as fitness or art. Just as sex can physically bring about new life, channeling that energy can bring you "new life" in a spiritual and energetic sense. This transformation is called sexual transmutation, and it may be just what you need for your next big project. Here's what it's all about, plus how to try it yourself.

First, it's important to understand what "transmutation" actually means. "Transmutation is the conversion of one element into another, so it's changing one state into a different state," Alexandra Roxo, spiritual teacher and author of F*ck Like a Goddess, explains to mbg.

Sexual transmutation is taking the sexual energy that's building inside you and channeling it into something else. "You'll let that physical energy build-up," clairvoyant intuitive Catharine Allan notes, "and you purposely don't release it in that sexual way." You could, of course, channel it directly into physical sex, as so many do, but if you need a little extra oomph of creative energy or physical might, holding off on the sex and using that energy elsewhere is the idea of sexual transmutation.

Allan notes that it isn't unlike tantric sex, which is also all about sexual energy and sacred sexuality. Edging, for example, is a popular practice for men in tantra—and that's one way of transmuting your sexual energy. And just like in tantra, sexual transmutation doesn't always have to involve a partner.

Ultimately, sexual transmutation is about "keeping the power of that energy that's building and rising and wants to release and going for a run or painting, etc., to apply that," Allan says.

How to transmute sexual energy:


Get in tune with yourself.

"When we consider transmuting our sexual energy, we're asking ourselves into quite an advanced practice," Roxo adds because sexual energy exists on so many levels—physical, mental, emotional, and even astral. "We're working with many different bodies," she explains, from the physical to the emotional, and so on.

Allan and Roxo both note that sexual transmutation requires a great deal of awareness, particularly of your sexual energy. "You have to physically be aware of that build of energy," Allan explains, "and instead of right away going to the release of it (orgasming), you take it, and maybe you clean the house, for example."

Roxo adds if you haven't meditated for very long or aren't involved in other spiritual practices and rituals, you might find difficulty trying to transmute your sexual energy. "You need to have a certain level of awareness to be able to differentiate between these different states occurring in your body, and in your emotional and spiritual body," she says. "You want a basic knowledge of how to work with your breath and a basic cultivation of awareness training, so you can stay present with what's happening."


Use breath, sound, and movement.

When Roxo practices sexual transmutation, she works through the heart center by directing the sexual energy through the body, then her heart space, and out. Though she notes you could also do this with the crown chakra or any chakra you want to work with. The following is her three-step process for doing so:

Breathe. "Any time you want to change the energy in your body, the basic element that's always going to be your ally is breath," Roxo says. Drop into your breath and start breathing deep, big belly breaths.

Sound out loud. "As you're breathing, pull the breath up the spine through the heart and sound out 'HA,'" she explains. As breath travels up through the spine, she recommends the sound HA because it's an ancient seed syllable that causes a vibration in your body that resonates with the heart. You could also choose a different mantra or syllable, depending on how you want to channel the energy. If you're working with the crown chakra, for example, you would sound out "AUM" as you pulled the breath up through the crown of the head.

Movement. From there, then you can incorporate some gentle movement. "What you want to do with the breath and sound and gentle movement is to open around it," Roxo explains. "You're softening into it so it can flow, and then you're redirecting it." Try any movement that feels good, like yoga or even a walk. You're allowing the body to physically transmute and channel that energy.


Channel that energy to another endeavor.

When you feel you've harnessed your sexual energy and you're ready to channel it, dive immediately into the area of your life you want to focus that energy on.

For example, art is one avenue to go down. Maybe for you, this looks like a painting, making music, or writing a poem. If dance is an art form to you, perhaps you dance. "You can create with that energy because sexual energy is creative energy," Roxo notes.

And for anyone looking to make fitness gains, yes, you can channel your sexual energy into something more athletic or physical. This is a more masculine approach, Roxo adds but can be great for the physical body. Anything from a cold plunge to a workout to breathwork like Wim Hof's technique would allow you to move that energy.

As Allan adds, if you tend to spill the energy and want to have a release, you can ask yourself, Where does that creativity want to pour into your life?


Make sure you're tending to your sexuality, too.

Sexual transmutation can be incredibly powerful when done right, but Roxo does note that we live in a sexually wounded culture, and trauma ought to be addressed first. "Before attempting to go into any advanced practices around your sexual energy, I would recommend healing practices. If you haven't dug into any healing work, then going into the advanced states could be triggering."

There's no limit to the things we can channel sexual energy into, and sexual transmutation offers us the ability to harness that powerful, creative energy for anything we're looking to accomplish.


For those who take sex very lightly, I leave this information here.

  Chakras regenerate every 7 years, so if you've been with a person even once, their energy will stay with you for 7 years.  That is if you don't clean there properly.

  When you have sex with someone, a whole energetic process begins.

  Mainly the root chakras (Muladhara) of both, come together, and from this intimacy, the auras merge, merge to create great auric energy around the two.

  Through separation, it leaves an energetic and karmic imprint.  The more relationships you have with a person, the deeper the connection.

  That's why sometimes you remember so much about your ex or who you became intimate with and you change your vibration and create energetic links that bring them together where they then continue to transmit energy on a subtle level.

  In every relationship, some of the other person's energy is acquired. If you have relationships with people who are mainly dense, unconscious, devoid of light and love, and unstable, then you acquire the same thing ... You change to a paradigm where nothing makes you happy even though you have many reasons to be. If the other person did something that marked their karma, you acquire it and it can attract painful experiences.

  On the contrary, if you are in a relationship with someone aware, full of light, full of love, and who keeps their energy clean, a wonderful exchange of positive energy is generated for both people. Both grow in love and awareness.

  The energy of love and sexuality is so great and magical that it vibrates so high that you reach an expanded state of consciousness.  That energy also remains in you and me as new light codes.

  If you sleep with a person who currently already has a partner, you consequently acquire the energy of that person and the partner (and the partner's partners).

 There are no culprits, only unconscious people, and consequences.  You are your boss, you can change when you decide.

  Why do we attract people into our lives whose relationships with us are empty, painful, and dense?

  - First by vibration: we attract what we vibrate.

  - Second for learning: the other person is a reflection of you, he will show you your shadows so you can recognize them and work on them.

  - The third is due to internal conflicts: You did not learn to love, you did not learn to Value ...

  Consequently, we relate to people of the same vibratory level. You can even become attached ("falling in love") to someone like this, with the inability to love and value yourself until you end up using yourself. For it vibrationally perceives your need for Love, but only reflects your relationship with yourself.  Love yourself and you will love others and others will love you.

  This is not an invitation to not have sex, on the contrary, you must make LOVE as often as you want!  But before that, vibrate up, to attract a person with whom you can be stable and help you grow and not tear down the evolutionary work.

  People who have VIBRATION know how to choose LOVE and LIGHT.

  Never sleep with someone you don't want to be with, don't do it out of revenge or because you have to..."

To Break a Curse

There are various ways to break a curse or a malicious spell. Here you use an object to represent the curse, incense to clear it and an incantation to deflect it. You then allow natural forces to do their work.


Cleansing incense such as benzoin or Dragons


Black candle (to represent the negativity)

White candle (for positivity)

A sachet containing equal parts of:

St. John’s Wort






Your athame

Bowl of water

Bowl of salt

Glass or china plate


✤ Light the incense and candles and place them on your altar (black on left, white on right).

✤ Pass the sachet through the incense smoke and put it on one side.

✤ Hold the lemon in both hands and allow the lemon to signify the negativity. Think of all the negative things that have happened to or around you and push them into the lemon, particularly if you suspect they are associated with the curse.

✤ Put the lemon on the plate.

✤ Dip your knife or athame in the water then slice the lemon into three pieces.

✤ Touch each piece of lemon with the tip of the athame.

✤ As you do this, repeat the following:

Three times three, Now set me free

✤ Visualize the lemon drawing the negativity away from you and into itself.

✤ As you do this, repeat:

As sour as this lemon be

Charged and cut in pieces three

With salt and water I am free

Uncross me now, I will it be.

Lemon sour, lemon sour

Charged now with power

Let this lemon do its task

It’s cleansing power I do ask

As this lemon dries in air.

Free me from my dark despair.

Uncross! Uncross! I break this curse

But let not my simple spell reverse

I wish no ill, nor wish him pain

I wish only to be free again.

✤ Take each lemon slice and dip it in the salt, making sure it is well coated.

✤ Set the slices back on the altar and say:

As it is my will, so mote it be.

✤ Leave the lemon pieces on the altar where they can dry. Once dry the spell is complete and the lemon can be thrown away or buried.

✤ If however the fruit rots instead, you must repeat the spell.

While waiting for the fruit to dry, keep the sachet with you at all times. It will help to protect you from the effects of the spells and turn away any negativity sent in your direction.