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Showing posts with the label Spiritual healer

20 Signs You Were Born To Be A Spiritual Healer

If you’re the type of person that others always come to for advice or a shoulder to lean on, you just might be a have healing abilities. Spiritual healers have a unique gift of sending positive vibes by way of thoughts and energy. But healing is not something you learn. You either have it or you don’t. What is a spiritual healer? By definition, a spiritual healer is someone who uses healing energy to either heal or help people heal themselves from diseases that affect the body, soul, mind, or their spirit itself. Illness of the body can be as simple as a headache or as complex and detrimental as cancer or life-threatening injuries. Spiritual healers possess a unique ability to cure people without medicine. Disorders of the mind can include depression, anxiety, or any other abnormality categorized as a mental health issues. Many turn to spiritual healers instead of doctors for relief from their afflictions. When it comes to diseases of the spirit or soul, these are typically...