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Showing posts with the label spiritual

Secret behind what is killing our young men today in Igboland. Okeite!

If you see any yahoo boy spending money lavishly, this is what he's into. Ordinary yahoo no longer pays. To get big pay, they now go into this. The least an experienced native doctor can charge a person to prepare this charm is N1.5 million. Some native doctors charge as high as N3 million. Some don't charge; what they do is collect a percentage of whatever you realize from time to time. Traders also do this charm. This charm is what's called a money ritual (own ego). The native doctor prepares it with bats, other dangerous species of birds, bitter herbs, roots, and barks of spiritual trees like the (ogilisi). The main ingredients are dog spare parts and human spare parts. They work directly with mortuary attendants. They need mostly parts of those who died in road accidents and others who died at an unripe age. They also go for the parts of women who had no children. Any native doctor who knows how to prepare for this must be an occult native doctor, without be...


This ritual will help to boost and upgrade your business in a few days to another level, help you gain multiple business contracts, make you famous in your working field, people owing you to pay you back without any delays, crack down on your financial competitors, in other orders your financial life will be charged with financial positivity. LUCIFUGES ROFOCALE is the first great DEVIL of wealth. He is in charge of all the wealth in hell. Lucifer gave him the power to control all the treasures on this earth and hell. These rituals begin with the magic of Money raw and flesh on the bones that come from the depth of the abyss and are guided under lock and key by the one who they have the honor of executing it.  This is a magic job, a little more complicated to perform with more materials, but extremely powerful. After finishing performing this ritual you will now have the possibility for the door of wealth to open for you.  After getting what you want you must offer ...