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Showing posts from August 1, 2021

Basil & Honey Spell

 Chop fresh basil into fine threads  Warm honey gently over the stove  Add the basil to the honey and simmer  Remove the basil-honey mix from the heat  Chant this spell over it: Flies flock to honey Customers flock to me Bears flock to honey Business flocks to me Ants flock to honey Contracts flock to me (this can be adapted to your specific situation)  Run a warm bath  Rub the honey over your body before entering the bath  Soak in the water for a while. Then as draining the water when finished, reserve some of the used bathwater.  Toss this water on the grounds of your business.

Job Interview Success Spell

Sprinkle sea salt into the palm of your hand. With the palm in a cupping position raise your hand closer to your face and share your desires relating to this job you are going for. Place a portion of the salt in your pockets before the interview. Place some salt in your briefcase or any other bag, you may be taking to the interview. If possible sprinkle a small amount of salt over the threshold of the office or in the office close to the interviewer’s desk or chair – do so without taking unnecessary risks – as carrying it on your person alone will enhance your chances.