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Occult Power That Give Wealth and Fame

It is for the Desperate Aspirant who are seeking self Empowerment, Wealth, Wisdom and Success. No fee is required to become a member membership is been earned as a desperate aspirant ready to do anything to become your dream-man Is there anything, in this or other world, so powerful that just a saying of its name would set in motion all uncompromising opinions and indifferent feelings? Is a thought so material that capable to melt an ice and light a flame, to be cause of gigantic destruction or great creations? Where is a border, having crossed which, you will find yourself beyond reach, and all in the world will be easily accessible and subject to you? Is it possible already now, in this life, to find a magical door behind which you are waited answers to all mysteries and questions? Will be these answers those what you expected, or they will disappoint you, will they give cause for new quest and new victories? Having made a step and found a new world, will you want to return ...

The final, never-ending step — cultivating the brotherhood:

Starting is obviously the hardest step. But you can’t end there. Creating a lasting, lifelong brotherhood takes time, energy, and continual investment. You have to “show up” for your brothers on a regular basis. You need to hold space for them to become who they’re meant to be. You need to encourage them, challenge them, and push each other to reach new heights. More than anything, you just need to show up. Here are some ways you can do that: Take an active interest in the desires, dreams, and goals of the men in your group. How can you tailor discussions, events, and adventures that help your friends achieve their dreams? Regularly brief the group. What’s coming up next? What was something fun and memorable that happened the last time you all hung out? Share the spotlight and encourage others (especially more withdrawn and introverted members) to share their voice and take a leadership role. Consider rotating coordination and leadership of meetings and events. Teach ...

Here are some tips I’ve found helpful for finding good men:

Try to look for guys that are interested in personal growth, fitness, and pushing past personal limitations. Where do these men hang out? Conferences, seminars, blogs, forums, and events related to personal growth, of course. Look for men that you wouldn’t mind hanging out with for an entire weekend. If someone is going to get on your nerves quickly, they’re probably not a great fit. Determine the size of the group and demographics you want. I find that 6-10 guys is a great size and keeps things fairly simple. Most of the men in our group are in the age range of 25-50. All of us are health-conscious and live active lifestyles so it makes it easy for us to do physical things. Look within your network first. Approach peers, coworkers, friends, and family that you would love to connect with more deeply. Post something on Facebook telling people you’re considering starting a group and ask for interest. Email the people you’re considering including directly with a casual invitatio...

How to Create Your Own Brotherhood

The first and most critical step is to define your intention and purpose: What do you want in a brotherhood and why do you want it? What do you hope to gain from and give to it? Is your intention to have fun, bond, and do interesting things, or do you care more about having a forum for expressing your challenges and issues as a man to work through them? Answering these questions will help you get clear on your purpose for the group. How to find the right men for your brotherhood: This is probably the hardest part, and why most men will never do the work necessary to create an organized men’s group. You have a few choices: Find an existing men’s group or meetup that’s firmly established. If you just want a forum for expressing yourself and exploring your masculinity, this might be the best fit for you. This is the easiest choice if you can find a good group that’s already established. Create a group locally. This will give you the most intentional control and freed...

How Brotherhood Finally Helped Me Become a Man

I didn’t feel like I was truly a man until I left my cubicle behind, struck out on my own, and started working for myself. Once my wife and I were 100% reliant on my ability to hustle and make ends meet, I felt like I had gone through a rite of passage that transformed me into a man. Maybe it was that I felt like I could control the course and direction of my own destiny. I had become truly self-reliant for the first time in my life. But the reason I was able to succeed was not simply because of my own independent will. It was because I had a brotherhood that was also working to create their own vocations on their own terms. These men helped lift me up, believe in me, and made me stronger than I was standing alone. And while online connections are great, I realized I was yearning for something offline and more personal. I wanted to be able to call the guys to a pickup game of basketball in the park or go on a hike in the woods without planning it out a month in advance. I w...

There are three reasons we need brotherhoods now more than ever:

Critical Reason #1: We Need Brotherhoods to Become Better Men Interestingly, men, not women, are the likeliest to form gender-based groups, and have the highest percentage of groups that meet in secret (“secret societies”). While most of these groups have traditionally had a specific agenda — religious, political, or otherwise — it’s through organized groups that men come together to compete, insult, berate, and grow together. This is a male-specific form of bonding and growth. Men for thousands of years have come together in intentional groups to sharpen each other in different ways. It’s through challenges from other men that we grow. Critical Reason #2: Bonding with Other Men Is How We Best Learn David Deida, author of Way of the Superior Man, eloquently states the defining characteristic of the male sex: “Life as a man is like a constant error correction. Making a mistake, and correcting, then making another mistake and correcting.” This is distinct from the way wom...

The Lost Art of Intentional Brotherhoods

Brotherhood used to be built into tribes and nomadic cultures. Lionel Tiger, who literally wrote the book on male bonding, had this to say: “Male bonding is a process with biological roots to the establishment of alliances necessary for group defense and hunting.” The question, then, becomes, have we lost the integral existence of male groups because our modern lives don’t make them a necessity? Because of their lack of survival obligation, modern brotherhood is becoming more of a lost art relegated to secret societies and dying traditions. The few remaining forms of these brotherhoods are fraternities, Boy Scouts, and church groups. You might also have boyhood friendships that has lasted through adulthood, or built-in brotherhood through close brothers, uncles, or perhaps your father. That is, if you’re lucky. Not so with me. I was an only boy of four sisters, so I was out of luck in the “built-in brotherhood” department. And while I loved Boy Scouts, it’s an adventure tha...