Psalm 40:17 Since I am afflicted and needy, Let the Lord be mindful of me. You are my help and my deliverer; Do not delay, O my God.
Psalms 141:1 O LORD, I call upon You; hasten to me! Give ear to my voice when I call to You! The spirit of the snail refers to evil powers that slow down every thing that you are trying to do.
This spirit brings unnecessary delays, discouragement, procrastination, frustration, and even stagnation into your good plans and projects.
This type of spirit retards progress , stagnate lives and destroys destinies. If you have been on a project that is looking as if you can never complete it, or processing a travelling documents, is it a contract tied down? postponed marriage ?It is possibly the spirit of the snail is in place.
But today, child of God the Lord will deliver you in Jesus name .
The Bible says that by God’s strength you run through a trap.
Psalms 18:29 “For by you I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall” The Lord will empower you to run through every barrier ,limitation , delay in life in the name of Jesus.
Know that snail in the dream could be a good one.
When you dream where you are seeing snail crawling without any obstruction, it means you are going to make it in life, but it will be a gradual process.
it is a message from God to be patient with Him.
Means there is a divine reward when you dont rush over God’s plan for your life.
If you are expecting something from God and you have this dream, it is important to be patient with God while He fix those problems for you at His own appointed time. What this indicates is that – You will have the blessings of God if you can wait.
Though, it may delay, it will surely come to pass.
This is only when this dream comes once in a blue moon.
There is a problem when you pick snail from the ground, sea, farm etc. In fact, it is a disturbing dream.
literally means that you are hindering the progress of such snail.
it also means that you are always in haste for your blessings without waiting.
My Heavenly Father makes me to understand further that picking snails from the ground is an indication for someone operating on a curse of the ancestry, and a covenant with the demonic spirit –
A spiritual symbol of failure at the edge of breakthrough.