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(BIRD) Dream of bird speak about agent of darkness. . (1)If you se a bird watching you in dream mean---spiritual monitoring agent has been delegated against you. . (2)If you see a bird with beads wanting to attack you in dream mean---you are under the attack of on occultic agent. . (3)If you see strange bird taking chicks away in dreams mean---loss of business or disappointment in business. . (4)If you see your hand chase a bird away from your chicks in dreams mean---victory over satanic attack. . (5)If you see gathering of different birds in dreams mean---the witchcraft are doing meeting that will consigning you. . (HANDSHACK) handshake in dream speaks of an agreement. . (6)If prominent like kings ,governor, president shake you in dream mean---there should be secret spiritual of an agreement between you and the person that will move you to the high level in your life. . (ANOINTED). Anointed speak of spiritual promotion in life and ministry. . (7)If man of God anointed you in dreams mean---you have been elevated in ministry. . (8)If you drink anointed oil in dream mean---relieve from sickness or life inactive. . (TRAP) trap foretells proposition, intentions and plan. . (9)If you see or your trap catch animal in dream mean---your intentions and plans would come to pass successful. . (10)If trap catch you in dream mean---your enemy is planing to get you down. Becareful of your movement and friends. . (11)If somebody escape you from trap to catch you in dream mean---your angel will escape you from enemy planning against you. . (STOMACH) stomach speak of fasting and pregnancy. . (12)If you see a man with a swollen stomach in dream mean---that the person need to fast. . (13)If you see an animal or object inside your stomach in dream mean---you need deliverance. . (COBWEBS) cobwebs speaks of hindrance to your endeavours. . (14)If you see or cobwebs trap you both in dream and life mean---it represents the satanic weapon of entanglement that puts your expectation to a hold for it not to manifest. It also indicates that you could be implicated or wrongly accuse. . (15)If cobwebs trap you in leg both in dream and life mean --- your witchcraft from home has put your blessing movement into an hold or not to come to pass. . (16)If cobwebs or spider trap you in arm or hand both in dream and life mean---your enemy or witchcraft is planning to put your handwork into an hold or to be fruitless. . (17)If you see cobwebs trap you in stomach both in dream and life mean---your witchcraft is planning against you not to get satisfy or not to have enough blessing. . (18)If cobwebs trap you in face both in dream and life mean---your witchcraft have put your upcoming blessing into an hold not to manifest. . (19)If you clear cobwebs in your room in dream mean---your witchcraft planning has end in your life. .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What about cowries in the dream?