How they operate to eat their victim and how to protect themselves against their attacks.
NB: this article is very important for everyone to know so that we do not fall victim to their attacks that we ignore.
Witchcraft is traditional magic in which evil spirits, demons are called upon and which allows you to influence people and events.
Witchcraft more clearly is the set of processes, practices and thoughts passed down from generation to generation in a family involving demons to act on men and the events that follow one another in their lives.
From the above, NATURE asserts that witchcraft is first and foremost a family story from generation to generation.
This spirit of wickedness is an indefatigable force in our parents' household.
So Jesus said in Matthew 10v36, that a man will have as an enemy the people of his house. Unlike other forces which act directly in the life of men either through possession or influence, and therefore easier to identify and confront; the spirit of witchcraft, he has a person from our family (father, mother, uncle, aunt, child, brother, sister, cousin, cousin, co-wife etc.) to come and attack us.
So it becomes complicated, since we don't have to fight with flesh and blood.
But here, the spirit of evil is confused with the parent whose heart is wicked and who wants to harm our life.
We will come back to this aspect later.
While it is true that at its core witchcraft involves a member of our family, it is important to note that there are different paths that allow this spirit to possess a person. Note in passing that a foreign person who comes to live with us under the same roof is a member of the family unit.
This position also gives her the right to harm us if she is a witch.
This is the case with maids or any other foreign person living with us.
There are people who will meet great wizards to acquire this power for something (presents, money) to either take revenge or protect their family. Once the transactions are made, they are initiated.
This initiation is in reality an alliance or a contract established between this person and the divinity who will henceforth act through his person.
Another form of initiation is that which is done through food for adults and children.
It is done when in dreams there are people who regularly feed you meat or food. It is also done in a physical way, in reality when a witch person casts a spell on the food they give you to eat not with the aim of killing you but to sow the seeds of witchcraft in you.
It could be meat, simple food, cookies, candy, or something else given to an adult or mostly children.
The hereditary path is when witchcraft is passed down from generation to generation in the family.
There is in these families a person who is chosen in each generation and who is already consecrated from the mother's womb or at her birth as the guardian of this diabolical power and its remains the secret of her initiates.
The spirit of witchcraft can already act from the mother's womb as well as later when its hour strikes. The choice of the guardian can relate to any child in the family.
But this is done according to the disposition of hearts to hurt or experience wickedness.
His parents have an important role in the preparation of hearts and this always remains a secret for concertants.
As there are various ways to be a sorcerer, there are also various forms or manifestations of witchcraft.
Manifestations of witchcraft
1) Unconscious witchcraft
The person is not aware that they are a witch.
It exists latently.
It exhibits dispositions of the heart which cause wizards to use it as an instrument to do evil. But she does not actively participate in witchcraft activities. This person is inhabited by feelings such as anger, hatred, jealousy, grudges, wickedness, rejoicing in the face of the misfortune of others
If she is not careful, to seek deliverance, she will move on to the stage of conscious witchcraft.
2) Conscious witchcraft
This is the person who realizes that he is a witch.
She practices witchcraft, is part of a brotherhood where she has a role to play. Witchcraft is a group activity, and a wizard is always part of a club
There is a concrete organization that exists in each club or brotherhood
And the brotherhoods are established according to regions, villages, clans and families
There are reunions ions and councils that are held in the spiritual world where decisions are made, decided and implemented
This is how they operate in the lives of men. Even though wizards operate by brotherhood, a person can only be delivered by his relative who is part of that brotherhood. Wizards operate in several ways and preferably from 12:00 am to 3:00 am at the latest.
They often come out of their bodies, take the forms of known or unknown men, animal forms: snakes, cats, dogs, oxen, ominous birds, and even insects.
Distance is not an obstacle to their activity
They can go from south to north and from east to west to reach their target
It must be said that a person possessed by a spirit of witchcraft has neither compassion nor pity.
Understand also that the sorcerer has only one goal and one objective that he is aiming for; destroy and kill, do the maximum harm.
The characteristics and symptoms that a victim of witchcraft develops
Your nights are very often troubled.
You are being chased by strange beings who want to kill you
They often have animal forms: dog, snake, ox, cat, or human forms known to be unknown
Sometimes you struggle with them and wake up with a start in sleep shaking.
You often hear threatening voices calling out to you and telling you that you are going to die.
You often eat in your dreams and when you wake up in the morning, you feel bad about yourself, you have nausea and dizziness, and you feel bloated.
In your dreams you see people cutting you up, and when you wake up in the morning you feel very exhausted, and you sometimes feel like you are losing use of certain parts of your body.
Every time you get pregnant, strange beings come to attack you in your sleep to make the pregnancy go through.
They can also tie your tubes to the point where you become sterile and cannot give birth.
You know a lot of failure in your life; you are unable to work, and get married, you are given over to alcohol, cigarettes, women or men
You are very forgetful and you cannot remember what you are learning.
You work and yet you are miserable, you cannot provide for the needs of the house.
You can't save or do business, and your eyes are on the outdoors, on alcohol, cigarettes, and women or men.
You have been dragging ailments for months or years and the doctors have never found the origins, and You have looked everywhere for a cure but without success.
Everything you receive as money is of no use to you
Withdrawals are made from your account without you knowing it, and you often lose money.
Biblical examples that exhibit characteristics of witchcraft:
In Genesis 4: 8 it is written that Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him.
We see in Genesis 37.23-24 and 25-28, Joseph's brothers throw it into a well and then sell (deliver) it to the Ishmaelites.
2 Samuel15, Absalom, king David's son, joined forces against his father and drove him from the throne.
1 Kings 3: 16-27 The story of the judgment of two prostitutes one of whom traded her dead son for the son of the other who was alive in his sleep.
Even if he is at the bottom of the ladder, the spirit of witchcraft is often difficult to fight.
How to overcome this spirit which is causing such disaster in families
The difficulty in combating this spirit is that it is mistaken for the parent it uses as a channel.
The first step in overcoming this evil is to differentiate between the evil spirit and the parent. Thus, we will not target our parent but the spirit that inhabits him and uses him as he pleases, as the apostle Paul teaches. We do not fight against flesh and blood but against evil spirits.
But that's not enough, so you have to move on to another phase
And this concerns all other cases of spiritual attack.
When we are faced with forces that do not give in and refuse to let go, we must engage in what is called spiritual combat which is different from simple cases of deliverance or breaking of ties.
This is about attacking the enemy on their own ground and this is only possible through what is called THE LAW OF ATTACK.