There are multitudes of human beings who are afflicted with various degrees of problems in their waking life because they have had a sexual encounter or more in their dream with a spirit spouse.
This phenomenon, depending on the degree of attack, is known by several names including sleep paralysis and night terror, which results from unwanted visits by spirit entities known generally as night visitors or better yet, Incubi and Succubi.
Oftentimes, the people involved in such spiritual sexual encounters and relationships or marriages are not even aware they have a spirit spouse who is usually so jealous and spoils things for the actual physical/human spouse. This kind of problem has no boundaries as it affects even legally married human couples where the human wife experiences several miscarriages and sometimes actual barrenness alongside financial problems and business failures on the part of the human husband.
More often than not, it turns out that the Incubus (Male sex demon) or the Succubus (Female sex demon) was actually 'invited', though unknowingly and indirectly, by the victim through careless daily, yet spiritual, habits and ignorance.
As an individual, you may suspect that you (or your spouse) have been having issues with spirit entities disturbing you or sexually harassing you in your dream and you wonder why and how to stop such encounters, well, you are certainly not alone on this.
If both yourself and/or your spouse are 'affected' (I prefer to use the word 'infected'), you need the WORD of God in your lives to deliver you from this so-called spirit parasite that has invaded your finances (and other areas, most likely).
This issue should not be taken lightly and you should both go for spiritual deliverance in a good church/place of worship as soon as possible.
From what I do as a man of God, and from shared experiences of various people (young and old) I have interacted with, it is clear that the issue of spirit husband or spirit wife is killing a lot of human couples silently (and matured over-ripe singles too) and the terrible thing is, they don't even know what is eating them up!
Knowledge is power. when you know what you are up against, it becomes easier to fight back and of course, win the battle.
So then, let us talk about the nitty-gritty of spirit sexual encounters so you can break free:
I shall be focusing directly on the human female victim suffering from an Incubus (male sex demon) attack, hence, my reference to lady/female/woman/wife below.
If you are a man and a victim of a Succubus (female Sex demon) just replace the references with the appropriate words for a man instead.
Now, at this point I'd like to point your attention to certain issues of interest aimed at quickly getting to the root of the current challenges and problems in your waking life, arising from the issue of sexual encounters in your dream.
One of the various things that attract a spirit husband or spirit wife to a human being is 'sexual appeal'. Beauty or handsomeness goes a long way to define a person's sexual appeal.
The prettier a lady is, the higher her tendency to attract more male admirers especially if she is fair-skinned without blemishes.
The Holy Bible states that in the biblical days of Noah, that even the Angels of God in Heaven couldn't resist the beauty of human maidens on earth as they came down to choose wives for themselves. Read the interesting story in the book of Genesis, chapter 6.
If as a lady, you have sexual encounters in your dream with spirit entities, it is partly because you are no doubt a pretty lady whose youthful beauty is appealing to the eyes and who is also elegant.
Your attractiveness has one way or the other attracted to you various human male friends who appreciate your natural beauty and allure as a young lady and now, just like a magnet, it has also attracted non-human male entities (SPIRIT BEINGS) to you!
Unfortunately, unlike in human male-female relationships where the man seeks your consent to go out with him or to have sex with him or not, sex demons/spirit beings don't seek your consent to be their spouse and they force themselves on you (when your defenses are weak and you are fast asleep)!
How unfair, did I hear you say?
This attractiveness of yours has not only attracted human male friends, admirers, or lover(s) to you but appears to have also invited someone else (spirit lover/husband) or better yet, something else (a demonic entity) which is problematic, into your life.
You have attracted what is called an Incubus - an entity not seen by the Unclad eyes, a male spirit or demon that comes to women to have sex with them either for pleasure or to have spirit children through such women.
This usually happens in the night when the woman is lying down, asleep.
Such a woman may experience some sort of temporary paralysis when the so-called Incubus is trying to have his way with her through sex in the dream realm.
Often experiences a strange sexual urge or wetness wakes up feeling someone has made love to her, r feels someone's weight on her and between her thighs.
Sometimes she 'sees' the Incubus attempting To Molest her but because of the strange temporary paralysis being experienced, she is neither able to struggle free, escape or call for help as her voice is also temporarily taken.
The spiritual sexual encounter is not the real problem, though that is bad enough, the real problem is mostly the attitude of the spirit husband or Incubus and his so-called spirit offspring through the woman in question.
The Incubus or spirit husband is usually very jealous and will not tolerate sharing his human 'wife or victim with anyone else.
He frequently monitors the human 'wife'/victim and will readily and violently attack the business, finances, and health of any human man that decides to marry the woman in question.
Sometimes, the Incubus will not even allow such a woman to get married at all so that he could have her all to himself. He usually frustrates all of the woman's efforts at getting married in real life by chasing all her suitors away or by killing them.
One of the commonest symptoms of the spirit husband or Incubus attacks is childlessness through barrenness and miscarriages in marriage.
This usually happens when the woman already has spirit children for the Incubus husband in the spirit realm and since Incubus families don't tolerate rival families, both the Incubus father and the Incubus children will do everything within their power to prevent the woman from having human children for a human husband.
They even go to the extent of 'eating' or 'sucking out' any embryonic pregnancy that is already developing into a fetus in the woman's womb.
The interesting part is that they are aware they are not wanted around, hence, they can get very dangerous and are obstinate in their various tricks to permanently perch on and dominate the victim's life.
Luckily enough, fervent and persistent prayers can send them packing!
In case you are not aware, the Bible tells of the presence of Incubus and spirit beings amongst humans in days of old, their sexual escapades with human females right from biblical times in the days of Noah, and also some of the havoc they wrought. Read the book of Genesis chapter 6.
The presence of an Incubus in your life must have also affected either the health or finances of your boyfriend or fiance apart from your troubles.
This will probably be a reason for unjustified arguments and misunderstandings between you and whomever you are dating either currently or in the past (which probably occurred when the Incubus started attacking him for reasons of sheer jealousy or perceived infidelity on your part).
The Incubus may appear to be stubborn, but with persistence in prayers and following the steps outlined below, he is sure to leave you and never return to disturb your peace and joy in your relationships, and of course, a happy marriage.
Here are 9 important steps you must take to get the needed solutions towards stopping these terrible challenges in your life s well as to stop sex-in-the-dream attacks in your life from now on.
1. To start with, do not sleep naked or in colored clothes anymore. Sew a white nightdress and cover yourself with a white wrapper/bed-spread/blanket whenever you go to bed.
2. Any time you make love with your human husband/man, take a shower before going to bed. The scent of semen (SPERM) attracts the Incubus or Succubus - the female demon.
3. Get some Seawater, recite Psalm 24 from the Holy Bible into it. It says, 'The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof', pray into it asking God who owns the entire earth and everything in it to come into your home, cleanse it and dislodge any evil spirits sharing your home and bed with you.
In the prayer, make sure you renounce your connection with the Incubus family. Declare to the Incubus you don't want him in your life anymore and that he should allow you to live your natural life.
After the prayer, sprinkle the seawater (now prayer water) all around your home (both within and outside) to cleanse your place of abode spiritually and that shall mark a new beginning for you, devoid of unwanted spiritual interference in your life and relationships.
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