So many of us underestimate this free gift of nature.
You can get rainwater to use in your rituals/prayers or to drink, but did you know that the rainwater has special meaning if captured on certain days, seasons, moon phases, or coming off a plant. And that it changes again if it's storm rainwater, etc.
I collect mine in ceramic containers or glass
You can use a calabash or clay pot too
Don't use metallic containers as it changes the energy and force.
Be warned this is a long post and if you are too religious, I advise you to stop here.
Ok let’s start, did you know that answers to your secret prayers fall from the sky every time it rains?
Water is drawn from the earth’s surface where it forms into clouds, when the cloud is full rain begins to fall.
In effect, rain embodies the three elements of earth, air, and water. If you want to add the element of fire to rainwater, simply warm it over a candle flame or capture it in a lightning storm.
As we all know Water, Any kind of water has a certain mystical attraction to us, it not only covers 70% of the Earth's surface but over 90 percent of our bodies are composed of water, we are born from the waters that contain us within our mother’s womb, it’s no joke when an expecting woman cries out “My Water broke!!” It is a sign that a new life is coming.
Water is more precious than oil or gold because we need it to survive. As without water our world dies.
Collecting rainwater for rituals/prayers has been practiced as long as rain has fallen upon the earth. All you need is a clean glass or ceramic bowl, calabash, or clay pot.
Set outside to collect the falling gift from the gods. Rainwater can be used to cleanse spiritual tools, and for purification of the Spiritual circle, candles, and ritual clothing. You can sprinkle it on yourself or pour it into the ritual bath for personal purification.
Rainwater is always magical, and depending on when or where it’s collected, is enhanced with extra metaphysical properties as well.
Now let me state this, you may read others writing on rainwater and they say it’s to be caught in blue bottles, or some color, that’s not true.
Capture the water however you can just not in anything made of iron as that will change the properties immensely.
First let me also state that the rain is not something to stay away from, to the earth it cleanses the air, clears the humidity, and helps nature grow. Though everyone should take precautions going out in lightening.
It’s great to go outside and enjoy letting the rain wash over you, as it cleanses and energizes you. I have always loved playing in the rain even as a young child, I remember being flogged for playing in the rain.
It gives me joy
An important thing to remember is that Rain Water should be used within two months of using it in potions, well anything you're consuming and if you can filter it even better.
However, if it’s just for a ritual I would give it another month.
Now let’s look at the Significant of days when collecting rainwater
Days of the week
Monday rain- psychic awareness, cleansing & goddess power
Tuesday rain – intellect
Wednesday rain – courage & vigor
Thursday rain – wealth & employment
Friday rain – love & passion
Saturday rain – purification of the home and sacred space
Sunday rain – protection & god power.
Moon phases
One of the hardest types of rains to collect is during the time of the Full or New Moon, sometimes Mother Nature doesn’t want to cooperate. Rain collected at those times of the Month is very powerful.
New moon rain – drawing in & new projects
Some people have a hard time what is a dark moon and a new moon, for me a new moon is right when the barest sliver of the edge of the moon is showing, the dark moon is in the complete absence of moonlight.
Waxing moon rain – blessings & new beginnings
Full moon rain – goddess blessings, purification, ritual altar & tool blessing
To collect Rain during the Full Moon is sacred waters to honor the Goddess(Ani/nne mmiri).
A small shot of this water can be added to one’s cleansing bath or for blessing during a full moon ritual.
You can collect all the rainwater possible during a full moon but label it according to the season of the moon such as used for divination, child blessings, and even a few drops in your bath water before an important event or ritual. There are hundreds of uses for the Full Moon Water
Waning Moon-
Rainwaters collected during this time are good for getting rid of things, banishings, purging of negativity.
Moon water has many purposes and uses. It can be used like blessing oil. It can be used to enhance your spells and rituals; it can be added to your bath for relaxation, for clarity, to promote love or prepare for Moon rituals, to anoint money to increase wealth, and to anoint yourself to increase psychic awareness, among many other purposes or water your plants with it. It’s only water. It is largely dependent on your intent.
Water that is not rainwater but bottled water from a natural filtration system can be made into Moon water to make tea with. I will cover that in another post.
Seasonal Rain-
Rain collected during the rainy season generally can be used for empowering new ventures and new starts. Such as a new relationship, new business ventures, a new job, and so on.
Rain collected in the hot weather can be used to encourage growth, be it personal growth, spiritual growth, or growth of a venture or relationship. It can also be used for rituals that are designed to overcome bad habits. It's great for indoor plants. And I believe it is great to use for depression and anxiety, as it brings the wrath of the season to your soul.
Rain collected during the Harvest should be used for giving thanks and showing gratitude for the abundance you have received during the year. It’s also great to give as an offering to your Chi/guides thanking them for all they have brought into your life over the past year.
Rain collected during the Dry season can be used to take things out of your life to clear for the new, use it to wash away all the negative. You can also use this water to reflect on your dark side (I did not say evil). Dry season (Kochi a guru) rain can be used for blessings on a person, relationship, family, or object. It can also be used for blessing an event such as a wedding, birth, business venture, and so on. For to be able to survive the hardship of Dry season so should one be able to survive the hardship of life.
Elemental Rain-
Lightning storm rain – empower all spells and prayers, clearing & re-energizing
Rain collected during a lightning storm has the greatest energy. Collect it directly from the sky and store it in a glass bottle. It can be used to empower any spell, used in a bath to re-energize your being or to aid in a ritual of clearing and cleansing your energies of negativity by soaking in it.
Wind storm rain – remove blockages & move forward
Rain collected during a wind storm should be stored in a glass bottle. It can be used to empower spells for moving things forward. Such as letting go of the past, moving forward in your life, and getting out of a rut. Or for helping a project move forward and get beyond current blocks.
Rainstorm with the sun shining – balancing
Rain collected when the sun is shining should be stored in a glass bottle. It can be used to balance energies when you're feeling weighed down, or flighty and scattered in your thoughts.
Rainbow rain – luck, talents.
This rainwater holds all the colors of healing within, so can do so much good in your magickal work
Hail storm – Curse breaking & banishing baneful energies
Rain collected from a hail storm is the only time a metal bowl should be used. The water should not stay in the bowl for longer than 3 to 6 hours. Allow any hail collected to melt before storing. It should be stored in a dark brown bottle. It can be used for dispelling psychic attacks or negative energies that have been sent to you from another. It is also the best form of rain to use for 'black' magick rituals designed to destroy your enemies or negative forces that stand in your way.
Rain from Trees
Rain collected in a tree is similar to collecting from a rose. Depending on the energy of the tree, will depend on what the rain is used for in rituals.
For instance Rain from Flowers-
If you are interested in other flowers from your garden look up the meaning of the flower and place the properties of the flour into the water.
Rain from our Igbo market days
Rain from Orie can be used for bringing success to any kind of venture. Such as a court case, a new business plan, looking for a job, and so on.
Rain from Orie day can be used for matters of love and protection.
Rain from afọ day can be used for matters of protection and compassion.
Rain from Nkwo day can be used for protection and any general spiritual matter. Such as communicating with the spirit, working on raising energies for meditation, or bringing a greater sense of Divinity into your spirit.
Rain on Eke day can be used for matters of divination. Such as working to identify your psychic ability, developing your talent, and learning the wisdom of divination.
Rain from the Beach
Rain falling at the beach has always had a sense of purity to it. It can often feel refreshing, cleansing and re-energizing. There's nothing like a lightning storm at the beach. And all this promotes an additional element of energy in the rain. Whether it's collected directly from the sky, a flow of rainwater from the sand, or directly from the edge of the surf.
No matter where you collect the rain from at the beach, it should be from on the beach. A balcony at a hotel won't do.
How to use your Rain Water-
For a bath add 1 cup of rainwater.
To anoint a spiritual tool, pour rainwater onto the tool as you state your incantation to empower the tool for its intended purpose.
The one thing I always think of is moon phases, day of the week, you could even do yours if you chose. It's up to you how you make your rainwater, do you collect it daily while it rains. Or do you mix it with others and record the days it rain for. Your choice, I hope this post helps you work with the gift that falls from God (Chiukwu).
I will stop here
I can't finish everything in one post
If you are someone who plots evil against your fellow human beings or kills, the things I share are not for you because you are inviting a bigger problem for yourself.