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3 ripe coconuts 16 bay leaves Pound the leaves and crush with the water from the three coconuts Pour over the liquid 5 liters of plain water Recite Psalm 51 on the liquid O GOD! HAVE MERCY ON ME IN YOUR GOODNESS; ACCORDING TO YOUR GREAT MERCY, ERASE MY TRANSGRESSIONS; WASH ME COMPLETELY OF MY INIQUITY, AND PURIFY ME OF MY SIN. FOR I RECOGNIZE MY TRANSGRESSIONS, AND MY SIN IS CONSTANTLY BEFORE ME.… And take a bath without the soap This bath is done in the evening at bedtime once in 2 weeks for a month or twice a month and it's over Saint Michel perfume Hyssop leaf A little cooking salt Triturate the leaves in 5 liters of water, pour in the Saint Michael perfume and put a little salt in the liquid Recite Psalm 51 on the liquid O GOD! HAVE MERCY ON ME IN YOUR GOODNESS; ACCORDING TO YOUR GREAT MERCY, ERASE MY TRANSGRESSIONS; WASH ME COMPLETELY OF MY INIQUITY, AND PURIFY ME OF MY SIN FOR I ACKNOWLEDGE MY TRANSGRESSIONS, AND MY SIN IS CONSTANTLY BEFORE ME ... And take a bath ...

How Is The High Sorcery Works Manifested

How they operate to eat their victim and how to protect themselves against their attacks. NB: this article is very important for everyone to know so that we do not fall victim to their attacks that we ignore. Witchcraft is traditional magic in which evil spirits, demons are called upon and which allows you to influence people and events. Witchcraft more clearly is the set of processes, practices and thoughts passed down from generation to generation in a family involving demons to act on men and the events that follow one another in their lives. From the above, NATURE asserts that witchcraft is first and foremost a family story from generation to generation. This spirit of wickedness is an indefatigable force in our parents' household. So Jesus said in Matthew 10v36, that a man will have as an enemy the people of his house. Unlike other forces which act directly in the life of men either through possession or influence, and therefore easier to identify and confront; the...

Vervain Happy Home Spell

Vervain is considered the friendliest botanical. Unlike other botanicals, which are said to display an ambivalence towards people, vervain is believed to love us and crave our presence and delight in bestowing us with good fortune.   Surround the home with it. Vervain’s magickal protection is desirable, plus you’ll always have a fresh supply. Create infusions by boiling water over vervain and sprinkle this liquid throughout the house to maintain happiness a nd good cheer.�

Peaceful Homes Spell

Items Needed:  One Blue Candle  Tranquillity Oil (equal amounts of ylang ylang, rose and lavender oils)  Sandalwood incense This spell is especially useful for those who entertain on a business level. There are times when people of varying viewpoints may need to come together in a social atmosphere. To keep things running smoothly, harmoniously, and peacefully use this spell before the party. One hour before the party take a ritual bath. As you are doing this, begin to visualize the guests as they arrive, seeing in your mind’s eye the evening progressing and everyone having a wonderful time. When you finish bathing, anoint your solar plexus with the tranquillity oil. This will help you project a positive and harmonious energy level throughout the evening. Take the blue candle and place it in the room where most of the evening’s activities will be held. Now light the incense and carry it throughout the house, saying, as you move from room to room: Queen of heaven, star of sea ...

The Serenity Spectrum

For a Peaceful Home Burn blue candles on Thursday To Overcome Fear Burn red candles on Sunday For Inner Peace Burn silver candles on Monday For Self-Confidence Burn red candles on Sunday For Physical Wellbeing Burn green candles on Friday To Overcome Regret or Guilt Burn white candles on Wednesday For Mental Clarity Burn yellow candles on Wednesday To Let Go Of Anger Burn orange candles on Monday For Success at Work Burn green candles on Friday

Conjuring By Colors

Color Magick is a basic tenet for working spells. The properties of each color determine how it impacts your mood, frame of mind, and the potency of your spell casting. Be mindful of the color of the candle, gemstone, and flower you choose; carefully pick the hues of your clothing, furniture, and even the paint on the walls. For example, if you are given to moodiness or anger, remove all RED from your home décor. If you are predisposed to melancholia, a VIOLET scheme may depress you.

Candle Calm

You can create a week of blissful and composed calm with the following spell. On a waning-moon MONDAY evening, anoint a black or grey candle with violet� essential oil. Please the candle on your altar beside a vase of fresh violets or other purple flowers. Sit in front of your Altar as twilight begins, and when the sun is completely gone, light the candle and chant: Care and woe, begone I am the mountain, the river, the tree, the grass, the moon I receive my strength from Nature and she is my center Tomorrow and the next, all gladness will enter Harm to none, only good.