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How To Empower Your Life With Talismans!

Inside today's special magical training report I would like to teach you a lesson about how to create your very own talismans to bring about what you desire. The power of a talisman is the ability to attract and magnetize energies associated with the things you wish for and desire. Having the power of a talisman really can attract anything you have programmed it to bring you. They do in fact work and are
based on an old chaos magic technique that works for creating power-based symbols. I have used talismans many times throughout my life and I have found that they do in fact work.

You can use talismans to bring about your desires and positive energies that reflect and encourage what you wish for. Within this article, you will be shown key strategies on how to charge and empower a magical talisman to change your reality and transmute your desires into concrete physical reality The power to ward off energies is another technique you can use with symbols and we will discuss the different elements of amulets and how they work as well in future newsletter issues.

The ability and empowerment of symbols are unique and are based on the power that the subconscious mind uses to encode information. Your subconscious mind encodes all information in the storage centers of your brain in symbolic format. Symbols are incredibly powerful as they speak much more than words do to the subconscious mind. Just look at major television networks, corporate logos, and
images that are associated with companies and brand identities.

Virtually everyone knows the swish symbol of the Nike brand of shoes or the symbol associated with BMW vehicles. Symbols hold incredibly large amounts of power as they associate meaning and associations with archetypal information. When you can create your symbol that is empowered with energy to attract certain wishes and desires into the physical reality you will have even greater power in your life.

If you don't think symbols are powerful take a quick look at a deck of tarot cards. You will find that they are summarized archetypal life patterns that humanity goes through. Each card is based on symbolic information, patterns, and imagery. After a time of using tarot cards, you will find that you won't even need them. If you get to a certain level of training your subconscious mind with tarot cards eventually you will be able to ask your subconscious a direct question and it will send the symbol of a known tarot card related to answering your request directly to your conscious mind.

This will take a large amount of time and usage of a single deck of tarot cards but this is possible. This goes to show you how your mind works with symbols. Now that you have a greater understanding of
how symbols work and are deciphered you will understand how to make them work for you magically.

As a simple example, if you wished to win more often at the casino while you were out gambling you could create a magical talisman symbol that is specially created to bring about greater luck and fortune
that would bring you greater prosperity and chances of winning while you gambled. If you wanted to create a talisman to attract a certain romantic partner back into your life you could create a symbol that is enchanted with this base need is its intended use.

You could also use a talisman to bring about more income into your life or you could create a symbol that makes you more attractive to the opposite sex or more successful at work. You can also create a talisman that will bring about a powerful state of mind that brings you closer to your ideal version of yourself and makes it a reality. On the other side of the spectrum, you could create an amulet that wards off undesired energies and events from happening in your life. You could create and enchant an element to prevent sickness, to push away negative people and sinister forces, you could create an amulet to ward off being fired at work, the options with amulets as well are entirely unlimited.

Now I will explain how to create a magical symbol using the easiest method that I know of and is used by many different chaos magicians. You will want to craft your symbol around a certain phrase that you can easily remember that strongly dictates what you want. Your phrase will be a magical intention summarized and empowered with the will to get what you desire. If you wanted to create a magical talisman that brings a positive environment and people around you, you could create a phrase such as:

"I will create more positivity around me."

It is very important to begin your phrase with the two words, "I will." This is a magical statement and tells your subconscious mind what you intend to happen and have worked into your life with your symbol. Now from this phrase, you will want to take the first letter from each word of the phrase. In our example, we have taken the following beginning letters from the above phrase.


Now with those letters, you have a backbone of a magical phrase. You will want to memorize this magical phrase but I will go deeper into that technique in later issues of this course. Now from your list of letters remove all repeating letters from the list of first letters from the words of your phrase. In the above example, we would only have to remove the letter, "M" as it repeats only once.

If your magical phrase has repeating letters then remove them until the list of letters is further simplified. The next thing you will want to do in developing your magical symbol is to write the letters on top of each other on a piece of blank paper. I prefer to use red ink. You want to overlap each letter and use every individual letter from the list: "IWTCMPA." Go ahead and do it right now. You will see what looks like a very crude drawing with lines pointing at different angles and overlapping each other.

Now the next step I want you to understand is that your symbol should be contained within a square.

However, you do not have to draw a square around your symbol but you can if you wish to simplify it.

Once you have your crude symbol the next thing you will want to do is make it a little easier and uncomplicated to draw.

You can remove certain lines from the list of overlapping letters and you can change them into a more refined and much easier-to-remember symbol. While you are in the process of creating your magic be sure that you are repeating and focusing on the phrase, "I will create more positivity around me."

As you are creating the symbol be sure that you empower your emotional thoughts and energies while You are creating the symbol. You can cut out the symbol from a piece of paper and focus intent positive energy on the symbol while saying the phrase, "I will create more positivity around me" for around five to ten minutes. Put as much positive energy into your symbol and agitate your mind into an excited state. Get enthusiastic, get encouraged get emotional and see your talisman as being perfect and magically charged.

Once you have focused and empowered your talisman with the paper you have drawn it on the first time I ask that you destroy it. The most effective format is to burn the symbol outdoors with fire until it
does not exist. This will further engage the symbol in your subconscious mind. Forget about the symbol for a few days and then draw a new version of it and carry it with you to bring about your desires into reality.

This is a real technique that does work and will always work. I suggest you give it a try and create your powerful talisman. You should focus on a specific outcome for each talisman as they will all be
unique. Try this out and reap the rewards!


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