Within this report, we will discuss the importance and applications involved with soul travel otherwise known as lucid dreaming and astral projection. Many world religions speak of the human being having an etheric or soul body and being able to use it to your advantage is a very serious magical technique that makes life better. Whether you call this essence a soul, consciousness, the astral body or other things is irrelevant.
Knowing how to travel and use this part of your true essence is important. Most people access this state of consciousness and travel through dreaming but there are also other methods you can use to leave
your physical body while in a meditative state. This is a more secretive form of magic but when you travel using your soul body and do magic in that state you will find that your powers and your abilities
using magic spells can go even further. I have been going out of body and dream traveling for over 25+ years and within this report, I will discuss a simple technique you can use to begin lucid dreaming faster.
When you can control your dream state you will have greater abilities with being able to use astral projection and travel out of your body. Continue reading below as I teach you this method to become conscious and aware while you are dreaming.
This is an easy technique and when you become conscious and lucid while dreaming you will have even more ability and powers at your fingertips when it comes to using magic. I have been using this method for a very long time and first learned it from a magician I met many years ago. It does work and the only
way it will work is if you practice it and follow these instructions. If you do not follow these details then don't complain about it if you don't experience any form of results. So here we go with the technique
as described below.
To begin with, I want you to look at a clock every hour upon the hour. When you are living your daily life I want you to take a look at the clock every hour. When you look at the clock at every hour interval I want you to state clearly out loud using your voice the question, "Am I dreaming right now?" This may sound incredibly silly and foolish but you will make this a habit. As a habit, you will continue this technique into your dreams. While you are asleep you will start looking at clocks and asking yourself out loud "Am I Dreaming?"
When you catch yourself doing this automatically while in the dream state you will have a greater chance of becoming aware that you are asleep in a dream. When you become aware that you are
dreaming you will notice the dream environment and then once you are aware you can become lucid.
When you come to clear lucidity in the dream state you will have unlimited potential opportunities at your disposal. You can control your dreams and learn the different methods to control them and change the atmosphere and environment you are experiencing.
The world of dreams is completely controlled by thought. You will learn while lucid how to control your dream with thought and soon enough you will learn how to cast magic spells and even use magic rituals while in the dreaming state. I will tell you right now that when you do magic spells and rituals while in the dream reality you will have better experiences.
Start using this dreaming technique every hour starting today. Try using this technique for at least 2 weeks to guarantee yourself the opportunity to catch yourself in a dream and to awaken yourself to a lucid state. The techniques of astral projection which I teach in other lessons will become much easier to do when you can lucid dream properly.
I urge you to begin using this dreaming method starting today. When you see the available magic to you in the dream worlds, you will have much greater power when it comes to using magic spells and
magic rituals.