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How To Hypnotize People Without Them Knowing!

There are plenty of branches of the magical tree and one of them is an often underutilized and known of technique that can control people's minds without them knowing about it. What I am referring to is the secretive art and sciences of conversational hypnosis. The purpose of this report is to share with you cunning tactics you can use to actually hypnotize people without them even knowing about it. You can get people to follow your commands and do as you tell them too when you learn the secrets of hypnosis. I have found an amazing course on conversational hypnosis and I have personally learned from this guide and used the techniques found inside to mesmerize and get people to do what I want them too. I can legitimately hypnotize a person in under five minutes through specific conversation techniques and things like body language.  Now imagine what it would be like if you could easily influence any person that you met in your daily life. The ability to fascinat...

Avoid These Serious Magic Mistakes To Save Yourself Years of Heartache And Pain!

Inside this special magical lesson, you will learn about 4 different methods of tools you can easily use to create your magical spell or ritual. You don't have to follow an exact step-by-step guide or format when it comes to creating or crafting a magical spell or ritual. It will rely on and be completely dependent on how strong your mental atmosphere is. The stronger belief that you have in your magic spell or ritual working will make it that much more powerful and useful. If you have a shred of doubt in your magical spell or ritual it will be destined to fail. When it comes to wanting to understand the universe and your particular place inside of it you will have many questions. You will want a higher sense of who you are, integrity, and most importantly empowerment to reach the goals you wish to achieve. You want to be able to turn your life into a magical life that is filled with mystery and supreme reality and a connection to it to attain higher realms of wisdom. W...

Dream Spells for Lovers

To induce prophetic dreams about your future lover or marriage mate, perform any of the following dream spells: 1. On a night when the Moon is full and bright, take the “The Lovers” card from a Tarot deck and place it underneath your pillow before going to sleep. 2. Collect nine leaves from a female holly at the stroke of midnight on a Friday (the day of the week ruled by Venus, the goddess of love). Place them in a three-cornered handkerchief tied with three knots, and place the charm under your pillow before you retire. (Be careful not to utter even one word until the following sunrise or else the power of the charm will be broken.) 3. An old dream spell from Ireland calls for the gathering of ten ivy leaves in silence on a Samhain eve. Cast one leaf into a fire and place the remaining ones under your pillow before you go to bed. 4. Place any of the following charms underneath your pillow: a petticoat or the garter is worn by a bride on her wedding day, an onion, daisy ro...

Basil & Honey Spell

 Chop fresh basil into fine threads  Warm honey gently over the stove  Add the basil to the honey and simmer  Remove the basil-honey mix from the heat  Chant this spell over it: Flies flock to honey Customers flock to me Bears flock to honey Business flocks to me Ants flock to honey Contracts flock to me (this can be adapted to your specific situation)  Run a warm bath  Rub the honey over your body before entering the bath  Soak in the water for a while. Then as draining the water when finished, reserve some of the used bathwater.  Toss this water on the grounds of your business.

Job Interview Success Spell

Sprinkle sea salt into the palm of your hand. With the palm in a cupping position raise your hand closer to your face and share your desires relating to this job you are going for. Place a portion of the salt in your pockets before the interview. Place some salt in your briefcase or any other bag, you may be taking to the interview. If possible sprinkle a small amount of salt over the threshold of the office or in the office close to the interviewer’s desk or chair – do so without taking unnecessary risks – as carrying it on your person alone will enhance your chances.

Spiritual Benefits of Rainwater RAINFALL/WATER

So many of us underestimate this free gift of nature.  You can get rainwater to use in your rituals/prayers or to drink, but did you know that the rainwater has special meaning if captured on certain days, seasons, moon phases, or coming off a plant. And that it changes again if it's storm rainwater, etc.  I collect mine in ceramic containers or glass  You can use a calabash or clay pot too Don't use metallic containers as it changes the energy and force.  Be warned this is a long post and if you are too religious, I advise you to stop here. Ok let’s start, did you know that answers to your secret prayers fall from the sky every time it rains?  Water is drawn from the earth’s surface where it forms into clouds, when the cloud is full rain begins to fall.  In effect, rain embodies the three elements of earth, air, and water. If you want to add the element of fire to rainwater, simply warm it over a candle flame or capture it in a lightning storm....

Solutions To Spirit Husband And Spirit Wife Problems

There are multitudes of human beings who are afflicted with various degrees of problems in their waking life because they have had a sexual encounter or more in their dream with a spirit spouse. This phenomenon, depending on the degree of attack, is known by several names including sleep paralysis and night terror, which results from unwanted visits by spirit entities known generally as night visitors or better yet, Incubi and Succubi. Oftentimes, the people involved in such spiritual sexual encounters and relationships or marriages are not even aware they have a spirit spouse who is usually so jealous and spoils things for the actual physical/human spouse. This kind of problem has no boundaries as it affects even legally married human couples where the human wife experiences several miscarriages and sometimes actual barrenness alongside financial problems and business failures on the part of the human husband. More often than not, it turns out that the Incubus (Male sex...