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Our body is an altar, altar are not just those tables you keep in your parlour, the church you visit is the altar of your pastor with God, its not your own altar, everybody have an altar, whether you know about it or not, there is an altar working for or against you, I mean your own not another persons own, if you go meet a spiritualist, its the spiritualist altar that works for the spiritualist. Every church have an altar whether is a one room church, occultic men must never operate without an altar, no spiritualist will operate without an altar, any spiritual person must have an altar, if you are great and you dont have any altar, you are like a nylon waiting for a breeze, your altar will always determine your fate. All the people that have call, altars are demanded from you, I dont care how you want to answer your call but you need an altar, you cannot do that work without setting up an altar. Any room you made a covenant with God and say let him reveal and manifest in you and t...

The Magical Imagination

Create in the imagination various situations and objects. Begin with simple — imagine different colors: blue, red, green. Feel different kinds of matter. A gaseous air, its gentle motion and strong gusts of wind. Imagine water, what it is by touch, how it flow between your fingers. Create a picture of a quiet sea and a storming ocean. Add to these pictures smells, sounds and colors. If you imagine a candle, you should hear a sound of its burning; if� you think of water, sounds of rain and ocean must be present in your imagination. If your fancy is a fine rose, touch its soft petals, smell its aroma. Make imaginary travel in an unknown far country. Visit a tropical island, equatorial jungle, secret caves and primeval forest. Imagine that you are at a home of your friend. Recollect all furniture and things which were there at your last visiting. Add action. Imagine specific situations of your contact with people. See all this in colors and sensations as if it takes place actually. L...

The Magical Will

The most effective method of the development of the will is a focusing of the attention. Place a candle on a table. Give a flame to the wick. Surround yourself with silence, comfort and calmness. Focus your attention on the flame. Look only at the flame, don’t remove the stare from it. Think only of this fiery substance. Become completely indifferent to all others. Don’t distract and don’t blink. Try to prolong this exercise as it is possible longer. Repeat exercise several days, and very soon, you will notice how it will be easy for you to focus the attention on other subjects and objects. This focusing of the attention must become your everyday practice. Not necessarily to choose for this exercise any determined time. As soon as you have opportunity, focus the attention on any motionless object: a pen, a lighter, a book, a picture, etc. Imagine that this object is the most important in all over the world. This object must become for you only one object in the Universe. Nothing is...

Magical Power and Natural Energy

There are only two ways to get special magical power — either was born with it or to try to develop it. And for the final result, the second way does not concede to the first. We have many examples when people with bright abilities do not suspect about them at all, and only having begun to develop them, they find in themselves new abilities and forces. Let's notice that each person has magical abilities, but someone has them “on a surface” and at someone, they are deeply latent. Therefore, for someone is easy to look into himself and at once to receive a necessary answer, others need time and great tenacity for long quest. In any case, not doing attempts, you never learn your secret sides and the latent abilities. Having started motion and search, you not be able to remain without changes. Making various magical actions, you will use energy of the four elements of nature: the Water, the Fire, the Earth, and the Air. And to operate with these energies you will be by means of you...

Magical Implements

Certainly, you can acquire various magical implements as required, but the best of all would be provided with them beforehand. Here is the short list of necessary things. Colored candles. A pen or a thin brush for drawing of magical symbols. A pencil. A drawing paper and a cardboard. A scissors, needles and colored threads. Small plates and cups. Vessels with plugs for magical potions, herbs and granular substances. Sugar, salt, black pepper, herbs and essential oils. Bones of animals and feathers of birds. All these things must be purchased only on the waxing moon; it is desirable on Thursday or on Wednesday. All magic implements must be cleared by fire and water. For that, hold a cleaning thing above a flame of a white candle so that warm streams of air take away all unnecessary energy and information belonging to this object. Then put it in running water — in a spring or brook, or simply place it under stream of cold water in a washbowl. What can be spoiled by water must be expos...

The Place of Magic

By ancient traditions, magic should be made at specific places such as a crossroads, an open country, a top of a hill, a ruinous church, an uninhabited house, or a bath-house. Many spells and rituals are made in a kitchen (near a fireplace or a stove), a cellar, or a garret room. Wherever you make magic, remember the following rules. Beginning your magic, determine the place for a performance of a ritual. The main� condition is a preservation of secrecy. Nobody must prevent you. Nobody must know about your magic. Certainly, other people can know that you have a magic practice, but they must not guess about your real actions. For a designation of your magical space, create a magic circle. You can use for this purpose a long white rope, by which delimit the external world and the world of your magical transformations. Instead of the rope, you can draw a circle on a floor by chalk. Create in your mind an imagined circle — an energy wall that separates you from the external world. The ...

The Time of Magic

One of the main laws of mysticism and daily life is “for each thing or event there are the defined place and the time”. Different actions have the bigger or smaller efficiency in different seasons of year. Magical rituals also have the bigger productivity in the specific periods. Therefore, in order to your magic would be really effective, it is necessary to coordinate it with indications of earthly and celestial clocks. It is considered that all kinds of beneficial magic should be made on the waxing moon, and destructive forces are in the competence of the waning moon. Besides the moon cycles, there is the daily magic schedule — each day of week is under the auspices of one of the seven planets and Old Gods. Individual interaction of the planets with the Earth's biofield enables to get the greater success in magic in the definite time interval. Different Old Gods have different influences upon life of people and an appealing to them at an appointed day (day when they have the m...