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The Magical Will

The most effective method of the development of the will is a focusing of the attention. Place a candle on a table. Give a flame to the wick. Surround yourself with silence, comfort and calmness. Focus your attention on the flame. Look only at the flame, don’t remove the stare from it. Think only of this fiery substance. Become completely indifferent to all others. Don’t distract and don’t blink. Try to prolong this exercise as it is possible longer. Repeat exercise several days, and very soon, you will notice how it will be easy for you to focus the attention on other subjects and objects. This focusing of the attention must become your everyday practice. Not necessarily to choose for this exercise any determined time. As soon as you have opportunity, focus the attention on any motionless object: a pen, a lighter, a book, a picture, etc. Imagine that this object is the most important in all over the world. This object must become for you only one object in the Universe. Nothing is able to distract you from contemplation its appearance, and sensation of its internal essence. Next time, concentrate your will and attention on moving objects. Keep your eyes glued on a second hand of a watch. Focus on a person who going by you. Unnecessary that your focusing lasted too long. Eventually, you must learn quickly “switch on” and “switch off” your attention. Here are others exercises. Read a book when there are many surround sounds, don’t distract, and clear understand what you read. Try to draw a circle by the right hand and a square by the left hand at the same time. Do it without participation of your will, and if you’ll fail, take a volitional decision — “necessarily to do it” — and actually achieve a success. Try by effort of the will to create different emotions, moods and sensations for yourself. Feel a joy, a fun, an excitement, a fear, an anger, a fury and a delight. This experience will necessary when you’ll want to influence on somebody — making magic, you must to feel the same feelings that you want to inspire in other people. By effort of the will compel yourself to see any object which there isn’t in your field of vision: for example, a flame of a candle or a person familiar to you. And here your will becomes a part of your imagination that able to move you to another time and another dimension.

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