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Magical Power and Natural Energy

There are only two ways to get special magical power — either was born with it or to try to develop it. And for the final result, the second way does not concede to the first. We have many examples when people with bright abilities do not suspect about them at all, and only having begun to develop them, they find in themselves new abilities and forces. Let's notice that each person has magical abilities, but someone has them “on a surface” and at someone, they are deeply latent. Therefore, for someone is easy to look into himself and at once to receive a necessary answer, others need time and great tenacity for long quest. In any case, not doing attempts, you never learn your secret sides and the latent abilities. Having started motion and search, you not be able to remain without changes. Making various magical actions, you will use energy of the four elements of nature: the Water, the Fire, the Earth, and the Air. And to operate with these energies you will be by means of your Imagination, Faith and Will. Of these three aspects — the faith in yourself and in your actions, the imagination that creates real pictures of possible events, and the will which directs your ideas in a necessary direction — consists a base of a mental influence on spiritual and real world. To these three beginnings of a magical reality it is necessary to add the fourth magical constant — the Secrecy which raises the Faith, strengthens the Will and gives rise to latent images of your Imagination. Therefore, your first task is to learn to use all aspects of your mind, and to find out how to receive energy from ambient space.

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