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The Magical Imagination

Create in the imagination various situations and objects. Begin with simple — imagine different colors: blue, red, green. Feel different kinds of matter. A gaseous air, its gentle motion and strong gusts of wind. Imagine water, what it is by touch, how it flow between your fingers. Create a picture of a quiet sea and a storming ocean. Add to these pictures smells, sounds and colors. If you imagine a candle, you should hear a sound of its burning; if� you think of water, sounds of rain and ocean must be present in your imagination. If your fancy is a fine rose, touch its soft petals, smell its aroma. Make imaginary travel in an unknown far country. Visit a tropical island, equatorial jungle, secret caves and primeval forest. Imagine that you are at a home of your friend. Recollect all furniture and things which were there at your last visiting. Add action. Imagine specific situations of your contact with people. See all this in colors and sensations as if it takes place actually. Learn to think not in words, but in images and real pictures. The more visible and real will be imaginary pictures, the bigger support will be received your faith.

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