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Spell and Incantation

At the beginning, there was a word. And the word was magic. Yes, indeed, creation of a matter from a void, using only power of words, is a magic work. A word is a great power. A word can kill or give a new life. In our world by means of words, states are ruled, laws are ratified, wars are begun and ended, marriage promises are made and feelings are expressed. In the real world, we can get various things by entreating favors of our patrons or demanding obedience from our subordinates. But here, we should recollect that the great ones of this world are not the main authority in the universe. There are the more high-ranking ones — the Nature Powers and Old Gods able to grant to us what we want or to take away what we already have. A direct verbal contact with these forces is the oldest kind of magic. But, certainly, using of common words and expressions will hardly help you to have contact with a power of the universe. Here, it is necessary to use special word formulas which are named magical spells and incantations. Incantation. This term has several different meanings. The first meaning is an entreaty or a supplication for anything in the name of someone. The second meaning is a bending in your will or a subjection of somebody or something by power of magical words. The primary kind of incantations is a special speech that are directed to an object on that it is necessary to influence. This influence can be directed on various objects of our world or the beyond, on people, supernatural beings and natural phenomena which are personified — all they are consider as living creatures. Usually, such incantations have form of demands and commands, which are made in a dogmatically imperative tone and into them quite often there are mention of punishment in case of not carrying-out a commands. A formula or a common construction of the incantations is “I order you to make this and that…”. The other kind of magic word formulas are imploring or beseeching incantations. In this case, magical words are directed not to object of the influence, but to an intermediary — natural forces from which a help is expected. Beseeching incantations can be directed to Old Gods, the Sun, the Moon, stars, nature elements, spirits of ancestors, spirits of house or forest in whose power to decide one or another question. Fairly often, the magical words are accompanied with symbolical sacrifices — food, wine, clothes and different things are burnt, buried, sunk or thrown before a wind as offering for the nature elements. These incantations are constructed as the two-part formula: “I give you... and you will give me”.

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